Citizens High School Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

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Does Citizens High School provide a transcript for Home School Transfers?Yes, all students who enroll with Citizens High School will be provided a transcript. Additionally, those students and parents who utilize the Homeschool Admin Manager tool will have access to build a transcript for their homeschool student as well. Students who need a transcript from CHS can simply click on Request Transcript and receive a transcript from us.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
How do I add another student to my Home School account?Next to your name on the top of the dashboard, you will see a tab for Create New Application. Click the tab and then a new application will come up. Please add all of the basic information on the student and their address. Once you have done that click save at the bottom and you are all set.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I add assignments to my Home School Gradebook?On the left side menu, click on Gradebook. Then once the Gradebook appears select the course that you want to add the assignment to. Then click on New Assignment at the bottom, and type in the Assignment Name, the Points Possible, the Grade Earned, and the date in which the student completed the assignment and click Save.  HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I add events to my Home School calendar?On your dashboard, underneath Upcoming Events, click on See More Events. Then under School Calendar you will click on Add new event. From here you can add the date of the event, description of the event, and any supplemental information.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I change my credit card information in the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, click on Payment Profile. Here you can either add a new credit card to the profile or click edit to make changes to the existing card on file.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I change my student information in the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, click on Student Information. Here you can make changes to your student's information such as address, phone number, email, or date of birth.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I contact the school if I have questions or a problem in the Homeschool Offerings?If you need to contact CHS, we have various methods. The fastest way is to go to our website; and then click on the live chat in the bottom right corner. You can also call us Monday through Friday from 9AM - 5PM at 866-645-8133. Or you can hit the Contact Us button and send us an email.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I delete an assignment in Gradebook in the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, click on Gradebook.   Then select the course that you want to change the assignment in. Then to the far right of the assignment name, click on the DELETE button for that assignment. Once you click the DELETE button assignment is removed, and then click Save.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I get my student's transcript in the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, click on View Transcript. After this your student's transcript will automatically appear, showing all completed courses and any courses that you had transferred in when they signed up. You can also save or print the transcript by clicking on the Click to Download link on the top right of the transcript.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I make changes to my account in the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, scroll down to the bottom and click on Edit Account. Here you can change your name, email address, phone, password, and secret question.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I remove a course from my Gradebook in the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, click on Drop A Course. You will then select, Request New Drop and a drop-down menu will appear which will show all your courses that are currently on the Gradebook. Select the course you want removed, and the reason that most closely matches, and click save and the course will be removed.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I request a course(s) to be added to my Gradebook om the Home School Offerings?On the left side menu, click on Home School Courses. Then a catalog of courses will appear, select the course your student is currently taking by clicking on Register for the course(s) of interest. Then once you have selected the course(s) you want to have in the Gradebook, go to the shopping cart on the right top of the screen and click the cart.   In the next screen, you will confirm the courses you are selecting. You can then select Dashboard or Gradebook on the left side menu, and your courses should be present.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolAdmin
How do I start homeschool online?This can vary from family to family. It really depends on the child's grade level, style of learning, and the family budget. At Citizens High School we can provide you with several high school options from Online Individual Courses, Correspondence courses, POD systems, and online curriculum for parents.   We also provide administrative support through our Homeschool Admin Manager that works for all grade levels.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
How much does it cost to homeschool?This can vary from family to family. It really depends on the child's grade level, style of learning, and the family budget. At Citizens High School we can provide you with several high school options from Online Individual Courses, Correspondence courses, POD systems, and online curriculum for parents. We also provide administrative support through our Homeschool Admin Manager that works for all grade levels.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
Is virtual school the same thing as online homeschool?Not necessarily, virtual school is specific to learning that occurs online either with a certified teacher or through self-taught learning. Homeschool could use any number of platforms and methods to teach their student.  HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
What do I do when my student has completed their assignment?Once a student has completed all of the assignments for a course, and you are ready to issue the grade, you will then click on Gradebook on the left side menu. From their you will select the course that is completed, and at the bottom click Complete Enrollment.   Once you have selected to Complete the Enrollment the course will be added to the Transcript.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
What schedule should I follow when homeschooling?The beauty of homeschooling is that it is flexible to adapt to any family's schedule. You should try out several different schedules to see what a good fit with both your families schedule and when your student learns best as well.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
What will appear on my dashboard in the Home School Offerings?On your dashboard you will see the academic snapshot (your students current grade and pace), upcoming events on the catalog, and course changes, and any messages from the school.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial PageHomeSchoolAdmin
When should I start homeschooling?As a parent you can start homeschooling at any time and at any grade level. Once you are knowledgeable on what needs to be done to set up your homeschooling, it becomes important to identify the learning style of your student and how you will be connect with him or her as they gain new knowledge.  HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
Will Homeschool Credits Transfer?

Yes, for a homeschool student to receive credit for courses completed via home education, our admissions team will need the following information:

  • Completed and signed Homeschool Grade Transcript of the student's credits earned in grades 9-12
  • Completed and signed Homeschool Curriculum Validation listing the educational materials used for each subject
    completed in grades 9-12
  • Completed and signed Homeschool Education Evaluation of the student's academic progress in grades 9-12

These forms can be found on our  Transfer Credit  page. Once you have completed and signed the forms you may send them in via mail, fax (904-272-6702), or email them at .

HomeSchool TransferCredit
Can forming a CHS learning POD help to manage my work and life schedule during Covid-19?

Yes. The CHS POD Learning System allows you to form a mini school that you can manage with the CHS App on your phone. All teaching is done by state certified teachers just like your local high school.  

However, it is the parent's responsibility to manage the student's social behavior, the physical set-up for the POD and schedule. Usually this is done with a host parent that manages the daily activity of the student or students. The POD hosting can rotate through different homes or locations.

Can my student take courses in a POD and transfer them to my local school?Yes. CHS is accredited just like all public schools and credit should transfer.  Please review the CHS Transfer Credit  page for ease of transfer credit.LearningPODPageLearningPOD
Can you have more than one student in a POD?Yes.   It is your choice as to the number of student in your POD?LearningPODPageLearningPOD
How do I find teachers for my CHS learning POD?CHS provides the teachers for your high school learning POD.   Simply go to the CHS web site and register for the course or courses you would like your student to take. Link to CHS Catalog.LearningPODPageLearningPOD
Is CHS POD learning equal to face-to-face learning?Yes. However, it is different.   CHS is accredited just like all public schools throughout the United States. For a more in depth comparison of face-to-face vs CHS Online Learning please download the Face-to-Face vs CHS Online Learning PDFLearningPODPageLearningPOD
What is Citizens High School Learning POD?The high school learning POD is like a Micro-school or one room schoolhouse.   It is an at home, tailored school option to provide your student or students with a reliable, teacher taught education experience. Download the PDF: CHS Learning PODSLearningPODPageLearningPOD
Who chooses the courses to be taught in a POD?The Parent chooses the courses to be taught in the POD.   However, it is usually the parent and the student that choose the courses.LearningPODPageLearningPOD
How do I pay for my tuition?At time of sign up you will be required to give a credit/debit card. This card will be charged every 30 days.CostAndPaymentPageInternationalTransfer PageAdultLearner
Can I change the date of my automatic payment?Yes, our Student Services department will be happy to work with you and set your payment day to what works best for you. Please feel free to give Student Services a call at 800-736-4723.CostAndPaymentPageCareerDiploma PageOffline PageCollegeDiploma PageIncarcerated
How much does an IT course certification exam cost?This cost of a certification exam depends on the company and the exam. Microsoft exams costs $165, Adobe is $180, and Google can vary between $10 to $200 depending on the exam.   Considering the benefit these certifications can have in your career it is a small investment that can pay large dividends later. Additionally, your employer may pay for your exam depending on your current career.CostAndPaymentPageITCourses
What are the methods of payment for tuition and how do I pay?Tuition payments will be automatically deducted from your account each month based on the day you enroll. A student who enrolls on the 10th of the month will be automatically charged on the 10th of every month moving forward.CostAndPaymentPageCareerDiploma PageOffline PageCollegeDiploma PageIncarcerated PageIndivCourse
What Is Your Refund Policy?CHS is confident you will be satisfied with your choice in education. Should you change your mind, CHS will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy per the requirements set forth by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. Our refund policy is designed for what is in the best interests of both students and parents. For more information about our refund policy click here.CostAndPaymentPageAdmissions PageCollegeDiploma PageInternationalTransfer PageAdultLearner
Will my local public school pay for my home learning POD courses?

This is a school choice issue.   Not all states or local school districts offer parents the ability to choose where your student will attend school.   There are only two programs that offer school choice funding Tax Credits and Vouchers.

  • Tax credits  reward parents and business owners for contributing their own money to educate students
  • Vouchers  are given to families by states and localities to give parents the ability to choose where their students will attend school.

For more information on school choice see the  Center for Education Reform

Are the assignments and exams in the Español Pathway in Spanish?No. All the assignments and exams are in English. The modules are in a side by side format in both languages.EspanolPageEspInEng
Do you recommend a free language learning app that you can recommend while in Español?We recommend Duolingo as a free learning tool for Language learners. It's free and easy to use and can be accessed from your smartphone.EspanolPageEspInEng
What documentation do I need to provide in order to enroll in CHS Español Studies?The only documents we request are official transcripts if you have previous high school credits. We make it that easy!EspanolPageEspInEng
What is the Español Pathway for high school classes?The Espanol Pathway is a resource to support students whose primary language is Spanish. This resource will provide the courses in a side by side format in both languages: English and Spanish.EspanolPageEspInEng
What type of technology is required?For best performance, you should access your courses with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at least 1GB of RAM. You can also access your courses with the Canvas Student app.   The Canvas Student app can be easily downloaded from your App Store. For parents, there is also the Canvas Parent App which allows you to track your student's progress, see their current grades, and communicate with the teacher. Learn more here.Technical RequirementsPageCollegeDiploma PageBibleStudies PageAfricanAmericanStudies PageIndivCourse PageIndivCourse PageCivicsCourses
Technical Requirements: Audio & Recording DeviceSpeakers or Headphones with microphone capabilities may be necessary to complete some assessments.Technical Requirements
Technical Requirements: SoftwareSoftware programs to create documents, spreadsheets, and charts may be necessary to complete assessments. Free software can be downloaded at OpenOffice works with many operating systems and is free to download.Technical Requirements
What type of technology is required?For best performance, you should access your courses with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at least 1GB of RAM. You can also access your courses with the Canvas Student app. The Canvas Student app can be easily downloaded from your App Store. For parents, there is also the Canvas Parent App which allows you to track your student's progress, see their current grades, and communicate with the teacher.   Learn more here.Technical RequirementsPageCareerDiploma
Will CHS courses run on my computer or smart phone?For best performance, you should access your courses with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at least 1GB of RAM. You can also access your courses with the Canvas Student app. The Canvas Student app can be easily downloaded from your App Store. For parents, there is also the Canvas Parent App which allows you to track your students progress, see their current grades, and communicate with the teacher.  Technical RequirementsPageInternationalTransfer
Can I do my courses from my cell phone?Yes, most of your work can be done from your smart phone when you download the Canvas Student App. From there you can view the course, watch videos, email teachers, and complete quizzes.Technical RequirementsPageITCourses
Technical Requirements: Computer SpecificationsFor best performance, you should access Canvas with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at least 1GB of RAM.Technical Requirements
Does Citizens High School provide a transcript?Yes, all students who enroll with Citizens High School as a student will be provided a transcript.   Students who need a transcript from CHS can simply click on Request Transcript and receive a transcript from us.TransferCreditPageInternationalTransfer PageAdultLearner
How can I earn high school credits towards a CHS diploma?There are multiple ways in which you can earn high school credits towards a CHS diploma.   First, you can request for transfer acceptance of any credits that you earned from any of your previous high schools that you have attended.   If you are currently a homeschool student, you can also send in your Homeschool Validation Form, which documents your high school courses that you have completed and is verified by a teacher for transfer evaluation acceptance.   Any homeschooler that utilizes CHS curriculum for their homeschooling needs will not need teacher verification, just submit the final grade with work samples.   Finally, all courses taken with Citizens High School and taught by a CHS faculty member will count towards a CHS diploma.TransferCreditPageHomeSchoolGeneral
How do I ensure my course credit will transfer to my local school?Fill out the CHS Transfer Credit Form and present it to your school counselor. Once they approve the Transfer, the counselor will email the document to Citizens Administration Office (request the counselor provide you with a copy) and CHS will set up the automatic transcript request to be sent once you have completed the course and received a final grade.TransferCreditPageTranferCredit PageBibleStudies PageIndivCourse PageCivicsCourses
I have a transcript from my school in another country and consequently not in English, will CHS accept my credits ?Yes. We will be happy to evaluate your credits, for further information please contact our CHS Student Services Department where one of our qualified staff will be happy to assist: email or call us at  1-866-214-0849TransferCreditPageEspInEng
I need an Apostille seal to validate my CHS diploma or transcript, do you offer this service?Yes, we do. Please email Student Services at  or call us at  1-866-214-0849  for more information.TransferCreditPageEspInEng
Technical Requirements: Internet Speed

Along with compatibility and web standards, Canvas has been carefully crafted to accommodate low bandwidth environments. Android 4.2 and newer

It is recommended to have a minimum internet speed of 512kbps

Technical Requirements
Technical Requirements: Media PlayerA media player may be necessary to playback recordings and video lessons. Most computers come equipped with a media player. If not, you may download a free media player here Requirements
Technical Requirements: Mobile Operating System Native App Support

The Canvas interface was optimized for desktop displays, so using small form factors such as phones may not be a pleasant experience in using Canvas. For the best user experience, please download the Canvas mobile applications.

Since Canvas uses small elements of Flash, not all Canvas features may be supported on mobile devices, especially on iOS. However, Canvas offers limited support for native mobile browsers on tablet devices.

Technical Requirements
Technical Requirements: Operating System

Canvas only requires an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades.

Students may use a computer, tablet, or other mobile device to access their courses and review lessons. A computer and software program such as Microsoft Office or Open Office will be necessary to complete required assessments in the course.  

Operating System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 & Newer
  • MAC OSX 10.6 & Newer
  • Linux Chrome OS
Technical Requirements
Technical Requirements: Supported Browsers

If your browser does update automatically, you can download your preferred browser in the browser's download page.  

  • Chrome 84 and 85
  • Firefox 79 and 80 (Extended Releases are not supported*)
  • Safari 12 and 13 (Macintosh Only)
  • Edge 84 and 85

JavaScript must be enabled to run Canvas.  

Technical Requirements
Will CHS courses run on my computer or smart phone?For best performance, you should access your courses with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at least 1GB of RAM. You can also access your courses with the Canvas Student app. The Canvas Student app can be easily downloaded from your App Store. For parents, there is also the Canvas Parent App which allows you to track your student's progress, see their current grades, and communicate with the teacher.Technical RequirementsPageCollegeDiploma PageIndivCourse PageHomeSchoolGeneral PageAdultLearner
Can a school district use its own teachers as part of these solutions?Yes, CHS can provide the curriculum in both online and textbook-based form where the district can then assign its local faculty to teach those courses.SchoolSolutionsPageSchoolSolutions
Does CHS offer consultative services to help schools and districts find the right solution to their distance learning needs.Yes, CHS will provide you with a Point of Contact who will assist through the entire sales, implementation, and continuous improvement processesSchoolSolutionsPageSchoolSolutions
How quickly can CHS implement a distance learning solution for my district?CHS can stand up a distance learning solution in as little as 48 hours depending upon the solution and number of courses and students.SchoolSolutionsPageSchoolSolutions
What type of training and support is offered?Depending on your solution, CHS will provide a training course for local faculty so they will be able to edit and customize the curriculum to match the local curriculum map and/or standards.‚   Additionally, CHS will provide technical support during the entire onboarding process to ensure a seamless onboarding experience.SchoolSolutionsPageSchoolSolutions
How long does it take for an offline/correspondence assignment to be graded?Once assignments are received at CHS, we work to get them uploaded and sent to instructors within 48 hours or two business days of arrival. From there, your instructors have 48 hours to grade and complete the submissions. This may be altered slightly if you submit a large quantity of assignments at one time. Students are encouraged to submit assignments frequently for continuous feedback and instructor engagement.OfflinePageOffline
Are the materials hardcover of softcover in the Offline Program?Offline course materials consist of softback textbooks, learning guides, and reading guides.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
Are there extra fees for shipping in the OfflineProgram?No, there are no additional postage or handling fees for USPS standard shipping which usually take 2 to 8 business days depending on your location. However, you can request expedited and priority shipping options and you will be required to pay the difference.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
Do I return textbooks and study guides when I have completed my studies in the Offline Program?No need to return materials they are yours to keepOfflinePageIncarcerated PageOffline
How can I speed up the feedback process for the Offline Program?

The processing of your exams can be expedited by uploading your assignments to the online classroom in Canvas. When an exam is uploaded to Canvas, the instructor can see it immediately. The instructor then has immediate access to the exam. This will be the quickest way to receive a grade as well as any feedback from the instructor.

You are also able to call your instructor during their office hours and schedule time to review together. This will ensure you are both on the same page and aid in understanding and mastering the material.

OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
How do I contact my teacher if I am struggling or require assistance for the Offline Programs?Your CHS Teachers are here to help! You can reach out to your teacher via e-mail, telephone, or text message. On the home page of each course, each teacher provides their listed phone number, be prepared to leave a detailed voice message including your name, course, phone number including area code, and a brief description of your specific question. You will also be provided with your instructor's phone number and email address in your original mailing with your textbook and learning guide. Teachers will return your phone call or email within two business days. Typically, our response time is much faster and our faculty are eager to support your success.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
How Do I Enroll Offline?

Enrolling is easy. Please see the enrollment options below and feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.   Enrollment forms can be viewed and downloaded  here  or you can call us at 866-214-0849 and one of our Enrollment Specialists will send you a copy of the form immediately.

Enroll via Mail:   Mail completed form to Citizens High School, Attention Admissions, 1590 Island Lane, Suite 44, Fleming Island, FL 32003 and include a check or money order for the initial monthly payment.   You can also make a payment over the phone by calling us at 866-214-0849.

Enroll via Fax: Send completed form via fax to 904-272-6702 and call us at 866-214-0849 to make the initial monthly payment.

OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
How do I get my assignment grades and results in the Offline Program?Your completed, graded exams and assignments will be mailed back to you, with detailed instructor feedback, instructions, and reflections to help guide your continued success. If you have an email address or phone number on file and want text or email alerts, that can also be provided. Your instructors are also available for stop and discuss and general feedback sessions via email and phone.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
How do I submit my course assignments in the Offline Program?

There are a few options to submit assignments for grading.

  • Assignments can be mailed using the return envelopes provided with each course.
  • Submit via email to, or upload them to the online classroom in Canvas. Even though you are enrolled in the Offline Program, you can still take advantage of the Online classroom features. Canvas is the online learning management system where your course progress is tracked.
OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
How do the students receive the textbooks in the Offline Program?There are multiple ways in which students can receive the textbooks.   Some include having our bookstore print and bind the books and then directly shipping to the student, or they can ship all the textbooks to the district or school who would then distribute them to the students.‚   We can also send the digital files to the district which can then print and bind the books, which greatly reduces the overall costs.OfflinePageSchoolSolutions
How long do shipments take in the Offline Program?Standard USPS shipping normally takes 2 to 8 business days depending on your location.  OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
How long does it take for an offline/correspondence assignment to be graded?Once assignments are received at CHS, we upload and send your assignments to your instructor within 48 hours. From there, your instructor has 48 hours to grade and complete the submission. CHS will then return your assignment within 48 hours.OfflinePageAfricanAmericanStudies PageIndivCourse PageCivicsCourses PageIncarcerated PageITCourses
How long does it take to complete an Offline course?Offline courses are designed to work at the pace you are most comfortable with (self paced).OfflinePageIncarcerated PageOffline
How many courses are sent at a time for Offline / Correspondence Diploma Program?Students can have two subjects at a time. As soon as you complete one of the courses on hand, you can immediately request your next subject to be shipped.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
Is there an extra cost for my textbooks and learning materials in the Offline Program?No, there are no additional fees, all textbooks and learning materials required to complete each course are included in the cost of the course and are yours to keep following your graduation from CHS.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated PageAdultLearner
What electives are offered offline?There are a variety of electives to choose from which include titles in Business, Science, and Fine Arts. Electives provide the opportunity to explore specific subject areas and prepare for college and careers. You will be provided with a course catalog to review with your welcome materials and your CHS success coach will assist you with selecting the best courses that align with your goals.OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
What is the difference between Online vs Offline?Citizens High School Offline courses can be completed from any location in the world, at any time of the day. You pick the setting and time that works for you. Instead of completing your studies online in front of a computer, the Offline course learning materials are mailed to your location. You are not required to have a computer or internet access to complete CHS Offline courses.OfflinePageOffline PageIndivCourse PageAdultLearner PageIncarcerated PageCollegeDiploma
What subjects are sent first in the Offline Program?

Students can select their first two courses through their school portal. If you do not have access to the internet, our enrollment specialist will assist you with getting enrolled in two appropriate courses based on your grade level. You can view suggested schedules of classes below.  

Click here for a suggested schedule of classes for the Flex for College.

Click here for a suggested schedule of classes for the Flex for Careers.

OfflinePageOffline PageIncarcerated
Can anyone use the Citizens High School Planner?Yes. There are no restrictions.CoursePlannerPageHSPlanner
What is the purpose of the course planner?The purpose of the CHS High School Course Planner is to simplify a process and/or question that has unnecessarily confused parents and students for eons - what classes do I need to take to accomplish my goals?CoursePlannerPageHSPlanner
Can I use the High School Planner at my local high school?Yes. You can work with your parents or your school counselor to tailor your course selections to meet your graduation and education needs. If your school does not offer the course or courses you need, check Citizens High School searchable course catalog and choose the course you need.CoursePlannerPageHSPlanner
Can I show my High School Plan to my school counselor?Yes. You can print or send a copy to your local school counselor, parent or fellow student.CoursePlannerPageHSPlanner
Can my parents or friends help me plan my high school degree path?Yes. We encourage parents to help with building out your high school plan. Please have your parent review "The Complete Guide to High School Planner" and any additional information on the web page under Advice for Parents and Students.CoursePlannerPageHSPlanner
Am I required to purchase anything?No the High School Planner is provided to you complimentary.CoursePlannerPageHSPlanner
Is Citizens High School accredited?Yes, CHS is accredited, visit Accreditation page for more information. GeneralPageCollegeDiploma PageTranferCredit PageIndivCourse PageHomeSchoolGeneral PageCareerDiploma PageInternationalTransfer PageAdultLearner
When can I enroll?You can enroll with CHS at any time.  Just click HERE to start the enrollment process.GeneralPageITCourses PageBibleStudies
Can I transfer credits FROM my current or previous school?

Citizens High School may accept up to 75% of credits that you have previously earned elsewhere. This can reduce both your overall costs and the time it takes to graduate. Learn more here.  

TransferCreditPageCareerDiploma PageCollegeDiploma
Can I Transfer High School Credits Earned At Citizens High School TO Another High School?Yes. We will provide an official transcript at your request to any educational institution. The acceptance of earned transfer credits is determined by the receiving institution. TransferCreditPageTranferCredit
How Much is Tuition at Citizens High School for an Online Diploma?Students who enroll in either our 18-Credit or 24-Credit diploma program will pay $875 per month and take two courses at a time. Students enrolled in the 18-credit online diploma program have three years to complete the program and if the student were to take the full 3 years the total program price would be $15,950. Students enrolled in the 24-credit online diploma program would have four years to complete the program and if the student were to take the full four years the total program would be $21,200.CostAndPaymentPageCareerDiploma PageCollegeDiploma PageAdmissions
What is the grading policy/scale?Grading Scale for CHS courses is as follows:

A = 100% -90%
B = 89% - 80%
C = 79% - 70%
D = 69% - 60%
F = Below 60%
AssignmentsPageCollegeDiploma PageIndivCourse
What if I fail my exams?If you fail an exam, your instructor will provide the graded exam detailing areas for continued study and mastery. The instructor also will recommend a phone, email or online meeting to discuss areas of concern and assist with mastery of the various topics necessary for success. CHS is committed to your success and thus, our students are able to retake exams with continued instructor support at no extra cost.AssignmentsPageCareerDiploma PageOffline PageIncarcerated
Can I request to switch programs at any time during the course of my studies with CHS?Yes, studying at CHS is flexible and geared toward your satisfaction and success. If you wish to switch to another program just contact Student Services directly at: , or call us at 800-736-4723.  General OfflinePageBibleStudies PageEspInEng PageCareerDiploma PageCollegeDiploma
Can I take individual courses for credit recovery rather than a full HS Diploma?Yes, CHS Individual Courses allows students to get ahead of their current class or make-up credits missed in previous years. GeneralPageOffline PageIncarcerated
Can't I take the GED equivalency exam and be done with it?Although taking the GED may seem faster, nothing can replace the learning experience of proper schooling. High school equivalency exams only satisfy prerequisites but do not provide students with discipline that comes from completing high school coursework to meet established academic requirements for acceptance to a post-secondary school, the military, or workforce.GeneralPageInfoHSStudent
Do I have to be a full-time student at CHS to take Biblical Studies courses?No, you can also take Biblical Studies courses as Individual Courses

Learn More
Do I have to be a full-time student at CHS to take courses in the IT Courses?No, you can also take IT Courses as Individual Courses

Learn More
Do you offer a high school diploma courses for student athletes?Yes, we understand the challenges that student athletes face and how easy it is for them to fall behind in their schoolwork. Whether your student athlete's ultimate goal is to go to college, attend a trade school, enter the workforce, or join the military, a high school diploma is the gold standard for graduation.GeneralPageInfoHSStudent
How can I make sure my student is getting enough socialization?There are many homeschool groups and co-ops available for families so socializing your child shouldn't be a concern. These groups offer activities such as field trips, play dates, and other fun events for families to take part in together. If you will be doing the teaching, homeschooling groups can be helpful in connecting you with other parents who can be a sounding board when you have questions.  GeneralPageHomeSchoolGeneral
How do I contact my teacher if I am struggling or require assistance for the Online Program?Your CHS teachers are here to help! You can reach out to your teacher via email, telephone, or text message. On the home page of each course, each teacher provides their listed phone number, be prepared to leave a detailed voice message including your name, course, phone number, and a brief description of your specific question. Teachers will return your phone call or email within two business days. Typically, our response time is much faster, and our faculty are eager to support your success.TeachersPageInternationalTransfer PageCareerDiploma PageCollegeDiploma PageAdultLearner PageIndivCourse
How do I get help and ask questions from Citizens High School?There are multiple ways in which a student or parent can get help and ask questions. You can live chat with our student services department via the website, or send us an email at You can also call our student services or academics team at 1-800-736-4723 Monday through Friday 9AM - 5PM Eastern Standard Time.GeneralPageTranferCredit PageHomeSchoolGeneral PageAdultLearner PageIndivCourse PageCollegeDiploma PageInternationalTransfer
How do students contact their teachers?Students can email their teachers through the course. Also, many teachers have contact hours where you can call or text your teacher.TeachersPageITCourses
How many courses can I take at one time in the Online Individual Course Program?Students can sign up for up to 6 individual courses at a time. However, CHS suggests no more than three courses if you are currently a full time student or working full time or part time.GeneralPageBibleStudies PageIndivCourse PageCivicsCourses PageAfricanAmericanStudies
How will my volunteer, activism, and civic engagement apply to my learning experiences?You and your teacher will create a contract learning plan, inclusive of reading, writing, presentation, and documentation of your activities. Further, you'll be exposed to great leaders who have transformed the world from which to learn, draw inspiration, and create your own leadership plan.  GeneralPageCivicsCourses
What sort of social and civic engagement are allowed?There is great flexibility in this course pathway, as we know deep learning occurs when we learn about and direct our studies to topics that inspire us. GeneralPageCivicsCourses
Who issues the certificate or credential for IT Courses?This depends on which certificate you are looking to earn Microsoft, Adobe, Google, etc, all offer certification exams.PageITCourses
Why do you offer 2 courses at a time in the Diploma Program?At Citizens High School we believe that a student taking 2 courses at a time provides for ample opportunity to be laser-focused on the academic topics at hand; promotes developing individual relationships with their instructor; and allows the student to fully master the designated subject area. Depending on a student's learning style and preferences, there are certainly benefits to getting really immersed in 2 topical areas at any given time.GeneralPageAdmissions
Why Isn't The Citizens High School Program Free Like It Is In The Public Schools?CHS is a private school and funded through tuition paid by the students, unlike public schools that are funded by the state and federal taxes paid by residents.GeneralPageAdmissions
How do I request a course(s) to be added to my Gradebook?On the left side menu, click on Home School Courses. Then a catalog of courses will appear, select the course your student is currently taking by clicking on Register for the course(s) of interest. Then once you have selected the course(s) you want to have in the Gradebook, go to the shopping cart on the right top of the screen and click the cart.   In the next screen, you will confirm the courses you are selecting. You can then select Dashboard or Gradebook on the left side menu, and your courses should be present.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolTutorial
Can I receive credit for courses completed through homeschooling?Yes, for a homeschool student to receive credit for courses completed via home education, our admissions team will need to review your home school portfolio. For information on transferring home school credits, click here.HomeSchool TrasnferCreditPageCareerDiploma PageCollegeDiploma
Do I have to homeschool forever?No, a student may choose to enter or re-enter a local or private school at any time should the family feel that is the best path.HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral
How do I get started with the Home School OfferingsCHS offers a 15-day free trial. To get started just give us your name, email address, and your students name and email address and you will receive login credentials and be able to start trying out Homeschool Admin. After 10 days you will receive an email with instructions on adding credit card information if you wish to continue. HomeSchoolPageHomeSchoolGeneral

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