Biblical Studies

Online bible elective courses for students wanting to expand their knowledge about the Bible and its teachings.

Reasons why the CHS Biblical elective courses are right for you:

Get started in one of our diploma tracks with a focus in Biblical Studies

Online Individual Courses


Transfer credit to your local high school. 

Diploma for College


Fulfills basic high school diploma requirements 

CHS Online Biblical Studies Academy Advantages

An extensive list of Accredited Biblical Studies Electives to better prepare you for your future.

Learn from subject matter and religious content that you choose.

State Certified Teachers are there to guide, assist and encourage you at every step of your studies.

Study at your own pace, on your terms in your own surroundings.

Study on any laptop or tablet of choice, CHS will also provide you with a learning app which you can download.

Bibilical Studies Academy Courses

Old Testament Directed Reading

New Testament Directed Reading

Christian Philosophy Directed Reading

World Religions Directed Reading

Paul’s Epistles Directed Reading

The Life of Jesus Directed Reading

7 Academic Advantages of Biblical Studies Courses

Improved Critical Thinking Skills

Biblical studies courses require students to analyze and interpret complex texts and ideas. This can both help to improve critical thinking skills through extensive lessons on a text that has remained a core part of many cultural and societal developments for centuries.

Enhanced Cultural Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books in Western culture and history. Studying it can help students understand the historical, cultural, and literary contexts that have shaped our society as well as many others throughout the world.

Broadened Knowledge of World Religions

The study of the Bible can provide students with a deeper understanding of world religions, such as Christianity and Judaism. Beyond understanding more about the texts within, you can also broaden your knowledge of major religions that influence the daily lives and values of others across the globe.

Improved Writing and Research Skills

Biblical studies courses often require students to write research papers and essays, which can improve their writing and research skills. Many versions of the Bible also utilize a broad vocabulary which can introduce students to new words and styles of writing.

Perfect for Religious Homeschooling

For parents that wish to homeschool their children in an environment centered around their family’s values, Biblical studies courses can enhance their children’s understanding of Biblical history, content, and philosophy that have shaped ancient and modern belief systems for millennia in an engaging classroom environment.

Preparation for Ministry

For students who are interested in pursuing a career in ministry, biblical studies courses can provide a strong foundation in theology, biblical interpretation, and pastoral care. It also can assist in working towards other career paths, such as becoming a military chaplain.

Preparation for Religious Higher Education

A strong foundation in Biblical knowledge can prepare students who are preparing to attend a Christian college or university. Many of these institutions require core or elective courses centered around the Bible as part of their curricula to obtain an undergraduate or graduate degree. For seminary students, a strong foundation in Biblical theology is an essential component for completing a degree program.

For almost 40 years CHS has provided accredited High School Diploma pathways to thousands of students.

CHS is accredited and a trusted name in online high school education.

Any student – public, private, or homeschool – can augment their local school academic needs. You can think of CHS courses as simply additional courses to your local school catalog.

What is Biblical Studies Directed Reading?

The Biblical Studies courses are designed using a directed reading model. Directed reading is a course in which the student and/or the faculty member select books on specific topics which the student then reads and completes projects directly related to those books’ subject matter.

Courses can take anywhere between two months to one year to complete depending on how often the student reads. For instance, a student could read one book every three months and after a year would earn credit for the class. Or, a student may choose to read one book each month to earn credit in just 16 weeks.

Another benefit of using the directed reading model is that if a student wants to explore a different subject matter they only need to email the faculty member a description of what they want to learn about, or hit the Request A Course link, and a new course is tailor-made for the student. As well, students not only get to choose what they want to read, but also what kinds of assignments they would like to complete. Each directed reading activity gives the student a variety of options ranging from writing assignments, to producing a video, or creating a podcast as potential ways in which students can demonstrate their knowledge of selected topics.

Part of a Fully Accredited Academic Program​

CHS is committed to providing courses held to the highest academic standards for accreditation to ensure that our students receive a strong educational foundation to prepare them for the next educational or professional phase of their lives.

Our courses are fully accredited through the Florida Department of Education, the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA CESS), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), and the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). This means that our school has been fully vetted at multiple levels across many of the country’s leading accreditation authorities to ensure that our courses meet specific standards for educational quality.

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Old Testament Directed Reading

In this directed reading course students examine the books that make up the Old Testament and will examine through their historical and religious context. The course will break down the course into four major components: the Pentateuch, the historical books with the books of poetry and wisdom, the major prophets, and the minor prophets. The course will not only examine the word of God, but will also look at the historical events that were playing out during that time.

New Testament Directed Reading

In this directed reading course students examine the books that make up the New Testament and will examine through their historical and religious context. The course will break down the course into four major components: the Gospels, Acts, Paul’s Epistles, and General Epistles with Revelations. The course will not only examine the word of God but will also look at the historical events that were playing out during that time.

Christian Philosophy Directed Reading

In this directed reading course students examine the major Christian philosophers throughout the history of time. This course will examine the philosophers of early Christianity such as Tertullian, to the philosophers of the Renaissance and Reformation such as Martin Luther, all the way to modern Christian philosophers such as C.S. Lewis. This course will introduce to students to some of major ideas and discussion points that have surrounded the Christian religion for centuries. Students will be able to understand the importance of philosophical thinking, and develop critical thinking skills that they will be able to apply throughout their life.

World Religions Directed Reading

What is religion? What purposes does religion serve? Throughout history, religion has played an important role in shaping the ways that humans understand the world around them and in the organization of different societies.

In this directed reading course students examine the major religions that are currently recognized across the globe. Students will gain exposure to religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism. Students will learn about the core beliefs of the different religions, the history of the religion, and the traditions and practices of each religion. This course is designed to promote an understanding of all the major religions, and the impacts that it has on individual lives.

Paul’s Epistles Directed Reading

In this directed reading course students examine the 13 letters that Paul wrote to early Christians and the early churches that were springing up in the Middle East during the first century. Students will examine each of the letters and the reasoning behind each of Paul’s writings. This course will additionally examine the life of Paul from his persecution of Christians, to his convert to Christianity, and his ministry. Students will also be able to apply the teachings of Paul and how it impacts their daily life and society as a whole.

The Life of Jesus Directed Reading

In this directed reading course students examine the life of Jesus Christ from his miraculous virgin birth to his ministry throughout the Holy Land, and finally his crucifixion and resurrection. Students will not only read about the life of Christ and his ministry but will also look at the social and historical events at the time and how it impacted his life and ministry. Finally, students will be able to show how the sermons and parables of Jesus helped shape the foundations of the Christian religion and how individuals today are able to apply them in their own lives.

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