Get a High School Diploma Online or Supplement an Existing Education Plan
No matter where you are or what you’re going through, our different tracks make it possible for you to pick the path that’s right for you so you can build the life you want.
A high school diploma is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities, but the traditional high school model doesn’t work for everyone. Real people have jobs, families, and other responsibilities and challenges that make it difficult — or just plain impossible — to sit through classes for several hours a day.
Study at your own pace
Use simple tools to plan your own path
Gain key skills and knowledge
Stay on track to successfully meet your goals
Learn from understanding teachers
Get Support at every step of your learning
At Citizens High School, we know you want to achieve success and move forward in life. The problem is that traditional education often creates barriers that keep you from getting the diploma you need, which can be really frustrating.
No obstacles should get in the way of your pursuit of success in life. That’s why we’ve developed a fully accredited online high school program to help you.
We’ve helped thousands of students complete their high school education in a way that works for them. Are you ready to join them?
Choose the path that’s right for you.
Learn where, what, and how you want.
Celebrate your achievement and move forward in life.
Tell us about yourself and we'll help guide you toward your educational goals!
Pick the pathway that’s right for you!
Tell us about yourself and we'll help guide you toward your educational goals!
Pick the pathway that’s right for you!
Tell us about yourself and we'll help guide you toward your educational goals!
Pick the pathway that’s right for you!
Tell us about yourself and we'll help guide you toward your educational goals!
Pick the pathway that’s right for you!
Tell us about yourself and we'll help guide you toward your educational goals!
Pick the pathway that’s right for you!
Whether you need a full course path to get an accredited High School diploma, or just want to take some Individual Courses, we have exactly what you need.
Tired of the same old dead end jobs? Finally graduate and move on up!
Prepare yourself for the next step in your academic journey with our 24 credit hour diploma track .
Browse our catalog to see over 100 exciting courses you can take for credit or for fun!