The Benefits of Online High School for Athletes

Online high school for athletes

Traditional high schools can create challenges and restrictions for athletes who want to excel at their game while succeeding in their studies. Despite the immense importance of high school education, traditional models rely on fixed hours, physical attendance, and lengthy paperwork to schedule accommodations around the sports they love to play.

As a result, more and more students are looking for alternative schooling options to provide the flexibility required for top-level athletic performance. If you are an athlete or the parent of an athlete looking for an education path that better aligns with your other passions, here are some reasons to consider a remote learning option.


Attend Class and Learn from Virtually Anywhere in the World

With online classes, you can attend classes and learn from virtually anywhere in the world. If you are playing sports or traveling with your team, you can still keep up with your education.

Online high school students also have more flexibility than traditional students when scheduling classes. When the season starts, you don’t have to be at a specific time or place to take your tests — you take them when it’s convenient for you.


Flexible Programs Can Help Avoid Scheduling Conflicts

For many students, athletic and academic responsibilities can conflict with each other. For young people who display exceptional talent in their sport and may be in professional development programs to further hone their skills, their schedules can often feel even more stressed. 

Online high schools can provide the flexibility needed to more easily manage your academic courseload with your athletic goals. Instead of having to participate in classes during a set range of hours each day, you can complete your work when you have the time to do so. 

One major benefit of online high school is that it is not confined to a standard academic year. Athletes can take care of their responsibilities on time without having to worry about missing class or not being able to get enough sleep before an important game.


Digital Messaging Capabilities Make Teachers More Available to Their Students

Students that are traveling for athletics may experience difficulties with their assignments if they cannot be physically in the school building to seek help from their teachers. With an online high school’s digital messaging tools, however, students can send questions and receive answers anytime. 

Online teachers use digital messaging capabilities such as email and instant messages to stay in touch with their students and keep them on track with assignments. This can be especially helpful for athletes with travel schedules that make it difficult to attend classes in person or who need extra time to complete assignments due to their sports schedules.


Assignments Do Not Feature Any In-Person Requirements to Complete

For an athlete involved in multiple sports and activities, scheduling all of their classes in one day can be difficult. If you take online courses, however, you can complete all your assignments at any time and anywhere in the world. 

There is no need to meet with your teacher in person. Instead, the teacher is available by phone or by video call as needed as well as during specific times of the curriculum. As long as you follow the instructions provided by your teacher and complete everything on time, nothing is stopping you from getting good grades despite any busy schedule.


Take College Prep Diploma Programs to Align with Future Athletic Goals

Most athletes dream of playing in college, and many hope to go pro. But what happens if an athlete doesn’t make it? What do they do with their degree? 

Online high school allows students to take college prep diploma programs that align with their future athletic goals. For example, if you want to go into sports medicine, you’ll need math and science skills.  These programs help students prepare for the SAT or ACT exam and let them take classes that will help them succeed in college. 

Citizens High School offers a transparent 24-credit college prep program that requires four (4) English, four (4) math, three (3) science, three (3) social studies, and ten (10) electives courses. We also offer NCAA approved courses that can prove especially beneficial for students that wish to continue their athletic and academic careers at a college or university after obtaining their diploma. 


Enroll with Citizens High School Today

The benefits of online high school for athletes, as we’ve discussed today, are numerous and tangible. Not only does a quality online high school mean greater freedom for students, but it also often means a better educational experience than a traditional high school. Whether for social or academic reasons, or both, this is an experience that every athlete should seriously consider exploring.

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional high schools and want to compete in multiple sports while earning credits toward graduation, enroll with Citizens High School today! We offer online courses that allow athletes like you to get ahead on your academics while still being able to practice or compete whenever it’s convenient for your schedule. Contact us today to enroll or learn more about admissions. 

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