Transfer Credit Explainer

If you want to take a high school or dual credit course and want to make sure it will transfer to your school or college of choice, then simply fill out the Transfer Credit form.

To ensure that the CHS credits will transfer to your local high school or college of choice, complete the Credit Transfer Form, and send it to your local high school guidance counselor or your college admission office for approval. Provided you meet your school’s transfer credit requirements and successfully complete the CHS course, your CHS high school or dual credit courses should transfer to your local school or college of choice as acceptable transfer credit. Please note, the acceptance of earned transfer credits is determined by the receiving institution.

Why is ensuring credit so important?

No one wants to do work without a reward. At CHS, we feel you should be allowed to earn credit for a job well done! Nothing looks better on a high school transcript than courses you took independently. It shows initiative and ambition! Better still, you get to add to your academic options and pursue courses in which you have a real interest.

Take a look at our courses... with almost 150 to choose from, we are sure you will find one you like!

There’s nothing wrong with a little variety in life! Expand your curriculum to meet your educational needs beyond the current offerings at your high school. Let CHS help you put you on the right path to meet your goals for life after graduation. Whether you plan to go on to a  Career, College  or Work, you will find the right course here at CHS!

How do I qualify my courses for Transfer?

  • Step 1: Download and Complete the Transfer Application
  • Step 2: Send the Transfer Application to your school counselor
  • Step 3: Once approved, register and then complete course with a C or better
  • Step 4: CHS will send transcript to your local school
*Please note if your browser opens a new window for the form, you will need to download it to your computer to complete it.

The Transfer Credit form is a self-emailing PDF. Fill it out and click submit at the bottom.  Follow the simple prompts to send it to your guidance counselor. Be sure to let your guidance counselor know the form is on its way–and check back with to make sure it arrived!

If your request is not approved, please let us know by email: so we may contact your school guidance counselor. It is very rare for Citizens credits to not be accepted as transfer credit, in most cases it is just a mis-understanding that CHS can clear up.

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Online High School Options

Whether you need a full course path to get an accredited High School diploma, or just want to take some Individual Courses, we have exactly  what you need.  

Diploma for a
Better Job

Tired of the same old dead end jobs?  Finally graduate and move  on up!

CHS Espanol Academy
Diploma to Get
Into College

Prepare yourself  for the next step in your academic journey with our 24 credit hour diploma track . 

e 3

Browse our catalog to see over 100 exciting courses you can take for credit  or for fun!

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