Pointful Education Prepares High Schoolers for the Future

pointful education

At Citizens High School, we are privileged to educate some of the brightest and most ambitious minds from around the world. Over one-third of our student body is comprised of individuals from 38 different countries. 

As many of our high school students are adults looking to prepare themselves for the next phase of their lives, a clear need for diverse learning applied to real-world career paths is necessary. This can include opportunities to earn industry certifications and gain the necessary experience to join the workforce in less time following graduation. 

To help meet our students’ needs for career-focused learning, we partnered with Pointful Education. Their courses are designed to equip students to enter the modern workforce or continue to a college or university with existing skills and expertise to make an immediate impact in this next phase of life. 

As the workforce continues to evolve, it’s more important than ever for high school students to receive training that will prepare them for the jobs of today and of the future. Workforce training programs like ones offered through our partnership with Pointul Education provide students with the opportunity to learn about a variety of careers and receive training for in-demand skills that will help them succeed in the workplace. 

How Pointful Education Empowers CHS Students 

We partnered with Pointful Education due to our belief that their courses align with our own mission. Our school strives to provide high-quality and affordable education that leads to economic and social mobility while creating opportunities to achieve academic goals and earn industry-relevant certifications. 

As our society increasingly relies on technology to power the economy, career preparation is more important than ever. With new machines, software, and applications becoming central to many professions, in-demand skills evolve alongside. 

With this in mind, career preparation equips students with the ability to adapt to these changes and make an impact in their workplace.  This means not only acquiring the skills that are necessary for success in the current job market, but also keeping up with emerging trends and technologies. 

Pointful Education programs remain consistently updated on all of the most innovative trends in the industries that they provide certifications for. In turn, this enables our school to provide students with the most relevant training possible to complement their core curriculum. 

With additional real-world preparation provided in partnership with Pointful Education, students can experience the following benefits: 

Greater Confidence Approaching Graduation 

Preparing for high school graduation without a clear vision for the next phase in life can cause anxiety for anyone. By having a clear, goal-focused roadmap for completing your education and beyond, a student can welcome this new transition with increased confidence and assurance. Certification programs can also help to empower students to pursue their desired career path with advanced training prior to seeking employment. 

Increased Student Engagement 

When learning provides true relevance, student engagement increases. Curriculums become more purposeful and tangible to students and can create an enhanced genuine interest in the subject matter. You are no longer just working toward a diploma, but are pursuing a brighter future. 

Pointful Education Courses can also be explored as electives. This can help someone who is deciding between multiple career paths to receive meaningful exposure to training in multiple professions. 

More Satisfied Students 

When we piloted our Pointful Education partnership in our virtual classrooms, the results spoke for themselves. Over 93% of students completed their courses and the student satisfaction rate scored at a perfect 100%! The skills and knowledge that Pointful Education curriculums provide create a greater sense of accomplishment when the academic year concludes. 

The Pointful Education courses offered through our school also made these noticeable impacts across a student population with multiple online attendance structures. The courses were accessible to full-time, part-time, international, and homeschool learners all working at different paces with a diverse range of goals. 

Begin Preparing for Your New Career at Citizens High School 

Citizens High School offers accredited, fully remote, and equal opportunity high school education courses to teenage and adult students across the globe. Our highly credentialed and qualified teachers share our mission to empower you to prepare for the future that you desire. 

To learn more about how you can earn your high school diploma programs for adults and receive real-world skills training through our partnership with Pointful Education, contact us today to speak with someone from our Admissions Team.

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Diploma for a
Better Job

Tired of the same old dead end jobs?  Finally graduate and move  on up!

CHS Espanol Academy
Diploma to Get
Into College

Prepare yourself  for the next step in your academic journey with our 24 credit hour diploma track . 

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