Online Diploma for Career Terms & Conditions of Enrollment Agreement
For a complete explanation of Student and CHS obligations, please see Student Handbook here.
Citizens High School is offering the tuition payment plan listed below:
Enrollment Dates Beginning December 16th, 2024 thru Current
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
36 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
* The expected course completion time is 16 weeks. Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the number of monthly payments. Course extension elections may increase the number of monthly payments.
^The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader – Calculation based on total program cost of $15,950.00 ($438 per month x 36 months + $200 Non-Refundable Registration Fee). Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the total program cost. Course extension elections may increase the total program cost.
By checking the “I Agree” box at the time of enrollment, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. By selecting “I Agree” using any device, means or action, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You are also confirming that you are the student (18 years of age or older) or the legal guardian of the student (under the age of 18) authorized to enter into this Agreement. Lastly, you agree that you have read the CHS Student and Parent Handbook and attest that you are proficient in English as described there.
One payment per month of $438.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement. By electronically signing this agreement, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees that the credit card on file will be automatically charged $438.00 monthly in accordance with this payment schedule.
Initiating a chargeback through your financial institution may result in immediate suspension of your access to courses and administrative withdrawal from Citizens High School. To resolve any billing disputes, contact our Student Services Department before proceeding with a chargeback. Unauthorized chargebacks may be subject to additional fees and legal action.
CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more than 16 weeks to complete a course, the student may request an extension, enrolled as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
Each dual credit course requires an upfront payment of $500 in addition to the monthly tuition cost. This $500 fee is only refundable if the student drops the course within the designated add/drop period. Please refer to the course schedule for specific add/drop deadlines.
You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Total program cost and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. The acceptance of earned transfer credits is determined by the receiving institution.
Provisional Conditions of Admission
“Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts or proof of 8th grade completion, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification (as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook).
- Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution or certified translator/translation company. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
- Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $875 for a 16-week term for Online College or Career
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $896 for a 16-week term for Offline College or Career
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $875 for a 16-week term for Online Individual Courses
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $896 for a 16-week term for Offline Individual Courses
- Registration Fees are not refundable to students unless students withdraw during the first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement.
- CHS will refund 100% of any tuition received for any course not started by student (for online students, started means student accessed online course and there was faculty/student interaction; for Offline started means mailed CHS any module to be graded)
- CHS will refund 100% of all monies received from a student during the first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement (including registration fee)
Total tuition will vary by student based on credits transferred in and the pace for completing courses.
CHS’s Total Tuition Charged is capped by the number of courses each student needs to take with CHS to graduate.
Maximum Tuition Cost per course is $875. If a student finishes the course faster than the 16-week window, CHS will only collect the payments for which the student has paid at time of completion or withdrawal.
For example, see the Total Tuition / Total Program Cost chart below which is in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook, Enrollment Agreement, and CHS’s Terms and Conditions for this respective program track:
Online Career 18 Credit, One-time, $200, non-refundable registration fee due to CHS with submission of Enrollment Agreement. Installments of $438 per month, Student Enrolled in 2 courses concurrently, Up to 16 weeks per Course from start date of the course, Cancel anytime, CHS will refund based on 16 week time based DEAC refund policy while not charging any additional monthly tuition charges past the month of withdrawal, students can extend any 16 week period by 4 weeks for an additional monthly $438 tuition charge and if still not finished after 4 weeks of extension, students will be put on Student Academic Progress (SAP) hold and must request in writing why any further extensions would be warranted, at which time CHS will evaluate on a case by case basis.
Note to Students: Initial Enrollment Dates of 29th, 30th or 31st of any month will generate subsequent monthly billing dates of the 28th.
CHS will refund the student based on Total Tuition and Registration Fees (Total Program Cost) from the Chart above (which is provided to students prior to enrollment and after transfer credits are accepted) and the start date of the respective courses at time of the withdrawal request.
CHS’s Refund Worksheet is completed with all refund requests. Most students will owe CHS a month’s tuition, which CHS reserves the right to collect or waive at time of withdrawal, because student monthly installments are in arrears of month of service. Most cases of CHS owing and issue refunds stem from the students that withdraw within the first 5 days or the students that have paid ahead. All refunds are mailed within 30 days. It is important to note that CHS follows the DEAC time-based refund policy percentages published for 16 weeks for full credit courses and 8 weeks for ½ credit courses.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the initial monthly payment, we will immediately give the student access to their first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high school(s) the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Twenty-five percent (25%) or less of student’s program courses will utilize curriculum that comes from 3rd-party vendors. This curriculum has been reviewed by CHS faculty and is taught by CHS faculty as well. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. Citizens High School will not release student records or status over the phone in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every month using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status, they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment and after the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful, and the student will be administratively withdrawn in accordance with the Refund Policy.
Academic Dismissal Policy
A student can be Academically Blocked or Dismissed if progress is unsatisfactory as defined under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own and to be truthful as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
- PREPAYMENT – Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
- APPROVAL DISCLOSURE – This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
- FINAL DISCLOSURE – This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning February 1st, 2024 thru December 15th, 2024
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
38 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
*The expected course completion time is 16 weeks. Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the number of monthly payments. Course extension elections may increase the number of monthly payments.
^The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader – Calculation based on total program cost of $5513.00 ($149 per month x 36 months + $149 Non-Refundable Registration Fee). Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the total program cost. Course extension elections may increase the total program cost.
By checking the “I Agree” box at the time of enrollment, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. By selecting “I Agree” using any device, means or action, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You are also confirming that you are the student (18 years of age or older) or the legal guardian of the student (under the age of 18) authorized to enter into this Agreement. Lastly, you agree that you have read the CHS Student and Parent Handbook and attest that you are proficient in English as described there.
One payment per month of $149.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more than 16 weeks to complete a course, the student may request an extension, enrolled as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Total program cost and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. The acceptance of earned transfer credits is determined by the receiving institution.
Provisional Conditions of Admission
“Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts or proof of 8th grade completion, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification (as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook).
- Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution or certified translator/translation company. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
- Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $298 for a 16-week term for Online College or Career
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $318 for a 16-week term for Offline College or Career
- Registration Fees are not refundable to students unless students withdraw during the first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement.
- CHS will refund 100% of any tuition received for any course not started by student (for online students, started means student accessed online course and there was faculty/student interaction; for Offline started means mailed CHS any module to be graded)
- CHS will refund 100% of all monies received from a student during the first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement (including registration fee)
Total tuition will vary by student based on credits transferred in and the pace for completing courses.
CHS’s Total Tuition Charged is capped by the number of courses each student needs to take with CHS to graduate.
Maximum Tuition Cost per course is $298. If a student finishes the course faster than the 16-week window, CHS will only collect the payments for which the student has paid at time of completion or withdrawal.
For example, see the Total Tuition / Total Program Cost chart below which is in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook, Enrollment Agreement, and CHS’s Terms and Conditions for this respective program track:
Online Career 18 Credit, One-time, $149, non-refundable registration fee due to CHS with submission of Enrollment Agreement. Installments of $149 per month, Student Enrolled in 2 courses concurrently, Up to 16 weeks per Course from start date of the course, Cancel anytime, CHS will refund based on 16 week time based DEAC refund policy while not charging any additional monthly tuition charges past the month of withdrawal, students can extend any 16 week period by 4 weeks for an additional monthly $149 tuition charge and if still not finished after 4 weeks of extension, students will be put on Student Academic Progress (SAP) hold and must request in writing why any further extensions would be warranted, at which time CHS will evaluate on a case by case basis.
Note to Students: Initial Enrollment Dates of 29th, 30th or 31st of any month will generate subsequent monthly billing dates of the 28th.
CHS will refund the student based on Total Tuition and Registration Fees (Total Program Cost) from the Chart above (which is provided to students prior to enrollment and after transfer credits are accepted) and the start date of the respective courses at time of the withdrawal request.
CHS’s Refund Worksheet is completed with all refund requests. Most students will owe CHS a month’s tuition, which CHS reserves the right to collect or waive at time of withdrawal, because student monthly installments are in arrears of month of service. Most cases of CHS owing and issue refunds stem from the students that withdraw within the first 5 days or the students that have paid ahead. All refunds are mailed within 30 days. It is important to note that CHS follows the DEAC time-based refund policy percentages published for 16 weeks for full credit courses and 8 weeks for ½ credit courses.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the initial monthly payment, we will immediately give the student access to their first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high school(s) the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Twenty-five percent (25%) or less of student’s program courses will utilize curriculum that comes from 3rd-party vendors. This curriculum has been reviewed by CHS faculty and is taught by CHS faculty as well. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. Citizens High School will not release student records or status over the phone in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every month using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status, they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment and after the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful, and the student will be administratively withdrawn in accordance with the Refund Policy.
Academic Dismissal Policy
A student can be Academically Blocked or Dismissed if progress is unsatisfactory as defined under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own and to be truthful as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
- PREPAYMENT – Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
- APPROVAL DISCLOSURE – This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
- FINAL DISCLOSURE – This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning October 27th, 2022 thru January 31st, 2024
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
38 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
*The expected course completion time is 16 weeks. Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the number of monthly payments. Course extension elections may increase the number of monthly payments.
^The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader – Calculation based on total program cost of $5513.00 ($149 per month x 36 months + $149 Non-Refundable Registration Fee). Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the total program cost. Course extension elections may increase the total program cost.
By checking the “I Agree” box at the time of enrollment, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. By selecting “I Agree” using any device, means or action, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You are also confirming that you are the student (18 years of age or older) or the legal guardian of the student (under the age of 18) authorized to enter into this Agreement. Lastly, you agree that you have read the CHS Student and Parent Handbook and attest that you are proficient in English as described there.
One payment per month of $129.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more than 16 weeks to complete a course, the student may request an extension, enrolled as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Total program cost and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. The acceptance of earned transfer credits is determined by the receiving institution.
Provisional Conditions of Admission
“Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts or proof of 8th grade completion, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification (as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook).
- Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution or certified translator/translation company. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
- Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $258 for a 16-week term for Online College or Career
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $198 for a 16-week term for Offline College or Career
- Registration Fees are not refundable to students unless students withdraw during first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement.
- CHS will refund 100% of any tuition received for any course not started by student (for online students, started means student accessed online course and there was faculty/student interaction; for Offline started means mailed CHS any module to be graded)
- CHS will refund 100% of all monies received from a student during the first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement (including registration fee)
Total tuition will vary by student based on credits transferred in and the pace for completing courses.
CHS’s Total Tuition Charged is capped by the number of courses each student needs to take with CHS to graduate.
Maximum Tuition Cost per course is $258. If a student finishes the course faster than the 16-week window, CHS will only collect the payments for which the student has paid at time of completion or withdrawal.
For example, see the Total Tuition / Total Program Cost chart below which is in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook, Enrollment Agreement, and CHS’s Terms and Conditions for this respective program track:
Online Career 18 Credit, One-time, $129, non-refundable registration fee due to CHS with submission of Enrollment Agreement. Installments of $129 per month, Student Enrolled in 2 courses concurrently, Up to 16 weeks per Course from start date of the course, Cancel anytime, CHS will refund based on 16 week time based DEAC refund policy while not charging any additional monthly tuition charges past the month of withdrawal, students can extend any 16 week period by 4 weeks for an additional monthly $129 tuition charge and if still not finished after 4 weeks of extension, students will be put on Student Academic Progress (SAP) hold and must request in writing why any further extensions would be warranted, at which time CHS will evaluate on a case by case basis.
Note to Students: Initial Enrollment Dates of 29th, 30th or 31st of any month will generate subsequent monthly billing dates of the 28th.
CHS will refund the student based on Total Tuition and Registration Fees (Total Program Cost) from the Chart above (which is provided to students prior to enrollment and after transfer credits are accepted) and the start date of the respective courses at time of the withdrawal request.
CHS’s Refund Worksheet is completed with all refund requests. Most students will owe CHS a month’s tuition, which CHS reserves the right to collect or waive at time of withdrawal, because student monthly installments are in arrears of month of service. Most cases of CHS owing and issue refunds stem from the students that withdraws within the first 5 days or the students that have paid ahead. All refunds are mailed within 30 days. It is important to note that CHS follows the DEAC time-based refund policy percentages published for 16 weeks for full credit courses and 8 weeks for ½ credit courses.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the initial monthly payment, we will immediately give the student access to their first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high school(s) the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Twenty-five percent (25%) or less of student’s program courses will utilize curriculum that comes from 3rd-party vendors. This curriculum has been reviewed by CHS faculty and is taught by CHS faculty as well. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. Citizens High School will not release student records or status over the phone in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every month using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status, they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment and after the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful, and the student will be administratively withdrawn in accordance with the Refund Policy.
Academic Dismissal Policy
A student can be Academically Blocked or Dismissed if progress is unsatisfactory as defined under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own and to be truthful as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
- PREPAYMENT – Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
- APPROVAL DISCLOSURE – This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
- FINAL DISCLOSURE – This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning May 16th, 2022, thru October 26th, 2022
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
36 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
* The average course completion time is 16 weeks. Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the number of monthly payments.
^The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader – Calculation based on total tuition of $4773.00 ($129 per month x 36 months + $129 Non-Refundable Registration Fee). Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the total payment cost.
ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE – By checking the “I Agree” box at the time of enrollment, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. By selecting “I Agree” using any device, means or action, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You are also confirming that you are the student (18 years of age or older) or the legal guardian of the student (under the age of 18) authorized to enter into this Agreement. Lastly, you agree that you have read the CHS Student and Parent Handbook and attest that you are proficient in English as described there.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE – One payment per month of $129.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
LATE PAYMENTS – CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
EXTENSION – The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more than 16 weeks to complete a course, the student may request an extension, paying $129 per month for each month the student remains enrolled as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
TRANSFER CREDITS – You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Tuition and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. The acceptance of earned transfer credits is determined by the receiving institution.
Provisional Conditions of Admission – “Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts or proof of 8th grade completion, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification (as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook).
Ø Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
Ø Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $258 for a 16-week term for Online College or Career
- Refund Policy based on Per Course Price of $198 for a 16-week term for Offline College or Career
- Registration Fees are not refundable to students unless students withdraw during first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement.
- CHS will refund 100% of any tuition received for any course not started by student (for online students, started means student accessed online course and there was faculty/student interaction; for Offline started means mailed CHS any module to be graded)
- CHS will refund 100% of all monies received from a student during the first 5 days after submission of the Enrollment Agreement (including registration fee)
Total tuition will vary by student based on credits transferred in and the pace for completing courses.
CHS’s Total Tuition Charged is capped by the number of courses each student needs to take with CHS to graduate.
Maximum Tuition Cost per course is $258. If a student finishes the course faster than the 16-week window, CHS will only collect the payments for which the student has paid at time of completion or withdrawal.
For example, see the Total Tuition / Total Program Cost chart below which is in the
Online Career 18 Credit, One-time, $129, non-refundable registration fee due to CHS with submission of Enrollment Agreement. Installments of $129 per month, Student Enrolled in 2 courses concurrently, Up to 16 weeks per Course from start date of the course, Cancel anytime, CHS will refund based on 16 week time based DEAC refund policy while not charging any additional monthly tuition charges past the month of withdrawal, students can extend any 16 week period by 4 weeks for an additional monthly $129 tuition charge and if still not finished after 4 weeks of extension, students will be put on Student Academic Progress (SAP) hold and must request in writing why any further extensions would be warranted, at which time CHS will evaluate on a case by case basis.
Note to Students: Initial Enrollment Dates of 29th, 30th or 31st of any month will generate subsequent monthly billing dates of the 28th.
CHS will refund the student based on Total Tuition and Registration Fees (Total Program Cost) from the Chart above (which is provided to students prior to enrollment and after transfer credits are accepted) and the start date of the respective courses at time of the withdrawal request.
CHS’s Refund Worksheet is completed with all refund requests. Most students will owe CHS a month’s tuition, which CHS reserves the right to collect or waive at time of withdrawal, because student monthly installments are in arrears of month of service. Most cases of CHS owing and issue refunds stem from the students that withdraws within the first 5 days or the students that have paid ahead. All refunds are mailed within 30 days. It is important to note that CHS follows the DEAC time-based refund policy percentages published for 16 weeks for full credit courses and 8 weeks for ½ credit courses.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or (b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100.
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the initial monthly payment, we will immediately give the student access to their first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high school(s) the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Twenty-five percent (25%) or less of student’s program courses will utilize curriculum that comes from 3rd-party vendors. This curriculum has been reviewed by CHS faculty and is taught by CHS faculty as well. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. Citizens High School will not release student records or status over the phone in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every month using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status, they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment and after the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful, and the student will be administratively withdrawn in accordance with the Refund Policy.
Academic Dismissal Policy
A student can be Academically Blocked or Dismissed if progress is unsatisfactory as defined under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own and to be truthful as defined in the CHS Student and Parent Handbook. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning December 6, 2021 thru May 15th, 2022
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
36 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
* The average course completion time is 16 weeks. Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the number of monthly payments.
^The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader – Calculation based on total tuition of $6192 ($129 per month x 36 months). Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the total payment cost.
ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE – By checking the “I Agree” box at the time of enrollment, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. By selecting “I Agree” using any device, means or action, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You are also confirming that you are the student (18 years of age or older) or the legal guardian of the student (under the age of 18) authorized to enter into this Agreement.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE – One payment per month of $129.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
LATE PAYMENTS – CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
EXTENSION – The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more time, the student may extend this contract for up to 6 months past the agreement end date, paying $129 per month for each month the student remains enrolled.
TRANSFER CREDITS – You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Tuition and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. Acceptance of transfer credits from CHS to another school is determined by the receiving school.
Provisional Conditions of Admission – “Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification.
Ø Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
Ø Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accreditation Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
Withdraw… | Owe… |
1-5 Days after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellations is requested within five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment is signed, the school will issue a full refund | 0.00 (100% Refund) |
6 Days or more after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellation is requested after five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment agreement is signed. | Citizens is entitled to a registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00, whichever is less, and any administrative fees applied. As part of the Student Protection Plan, Citizens will waive the registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00. The student will not be responsible for any tuition after the date of withdraw. |
- A student enrolled in the high school diploma program has three (3) years from the original date of acceptance to complete his or her program. This contract will cease to be in effect after three years from the original date of acceptance. No requests for refunds after that date.
- Tuition is paid by the student on a month by month basis. During each month the student will be enrolled in two courses and actively participating in the course.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100.
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the down payment, we will immediately send out the first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high schools the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. If unable to complete in the three-year time frame, the student may submit a written one-time extension request, see school policies in the CHS Bulletin for complete explanations of rights and duties of the school and student. Citizens High School will not release student records, status, or records over the phone in accordance to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every 30 days using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment, the system will attempt to charge the card for the normal monthly tuition amount. The system will continue to attempt to charge the card for another five (5) days if unsuccessful after the first attempt. If attempts to charge the card and the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful the student will be administratively withdrawn, and the account balance will be adjusted to $0.
For Academic Purposes: If a student has submitted no assignments for any course(s) for 35 days, the student will be Academically Blocked. If the student, after several attempts to outreach using various methods, has not submitted an assignment for 65 days they will be Administrative Withdrawn.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per
month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment
agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning July 23, 2021 thru December 5, 2021.
Online GENERAL Terms & Conditions
Citizens High School is offering the deferred tuition payment plan listed below:
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
36 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
* The average course completion time is 16 weeks. Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the number of monthly payments.
^The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader – Calculation based on total tuition of $4644 ($129 per month x 36 months). Accelerated course completion and/or transfer credits may reduce the total payment cost.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE – One payment per month of $129.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
LATE PAYMENTS – CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
EXTENSION – The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more time, the student may extend this contract for up to 6 months past the agreement end date, paying $129 per month for each month the student remains enrolled.
TRANSFER CREDITS – You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Tuition and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. Acceptance of transfer credits from CHS to another school is determined by the receiving school.
Provisional Conditions of Admission – “Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification.
Ø Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
Ø Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accreditation Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
Withdraw… | Owe… |
1-5 Days after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellations is requested within five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment is signed, the school will issue a full refund | 0.00 (100% Refund) |
6 Days or more after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellation is requested after five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment agreement is signed. | Citizens is entitled to a registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00, whichever is less, and any administrative fees applied. As part of the Student Protection Plan, Citizens will waive the registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00. The student will not be responsible for any tuition after the date of withdraw. |
- A student enrolled in the high school diploma program has three (3) years from the original date of acceptance to complete his or her program. This contract will cease to be in effect after three years from the original date of acceptance. No requests for refunds after that date.
- Tuition is paid by the student on a month by month basis. During each month the student will be enrolled in two courses and actively participating in the course.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100.
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the down payment, we will immediately send out the first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high schools the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. If unable to complete in the three-year time frame, the student may submit a written one-time extension request, see school policies in the CHS Bulletin for complete explanations of rights and duties of the school and student. Citizens High School will not release student records, status, or records over the phone in accordance to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every 30 days using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment, the system will attempt to charge the card for the normal monthly tuition amount. The system will continue to attempt to charge the card for another five (5) days if unsuccessful after the first attempt. If attempts to charge the card and the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful the student will be administratively withdrawn, and the account balance will be adjusted to $0.
For Academic Purposes: If a student has submitted no assignments for any course(s) for 35 days, the student will be Academically Blocked. If the student, after several attempts to outreach using various methods, has not submitted an assignment for 65 days they will be Administrative Withdrawn.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per
month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment
agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning May 18, 2020 thru July 22, 2021
Online GENERAL Terms & Conditions
Citizens High School is offering the deferred tuition payment plan listed below:
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
36 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
*The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader
*Calculation based on total tuition of $2484 ($69 per month x 36 months)
*Any transfer credits accepted and/or promotions may reduce the amount due
PAYMENT SCHEDULE – One payment per month of $69.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
LATE PAYMENTS – CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
EXTENSION – The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more time, the student may extend this contract for up to 6 months past the agreement end date, paying $69 per month for each month the student remains enrolled.
TRANSFER CREDITS – You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Tuition and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. Acceptance of transfer credits from CHS to another school is determined by the receiving school.
Provisional Conditions of Admission – “Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification.
Ø Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
Ø Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accreditation Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
Withdraw… | Owe… |
1-5 Days after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellations is requested within five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment is signed, the school will issue a full refund | 0.00 (100% Refund) |
6 Days or more after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellation is requested after five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment agreement is signed. | Citizens is entitled to a registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00, whichever is less, and any administrative fees applied. As part of the Student Protection Plan, Citizens will waive the registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00. The student will not be responsible for any tuition after the date of withdraw. |
- A student enrolled in the high school diploma program has three (3) years from the original date of acceptance to complete his or her program. This contract will cease to be in effect after three years from the original date of acceptance. No requests for refunds after that date.
- Tuition is paid by the student on a month by month basis. During each month the student will be enrolled in two courses and actively participating in the course.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100.
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the down payment, we will immediately send out the first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high schools the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Upon the completion of the Citizens High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. If unable to complete in the three-year time frame, the student may submit a written one-time extension request, see school policies in the CHS Bulletin for complete explanations of rights and duties of the school and student. Citizens High School will not release student records, status, or records over the phone in accordance to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every 30 days using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment, the system will attempt to charge the card for the normal monthly tuition amount. The system will continue to attempt to charge the card for another five (5) days if unsuccessful after the first attempt. If attempts to charge the card and the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful the student will be administratively withdrawn, and the account balance will be adjusted to $0.
For Academic Purposes: If a student has submitted no assignments for any course(s) for 35 days, the student will be Academically Blocked. If the student, after several attempts to outreach using various methods, has not submitted an assignment for 65 days they will be Administrative Withdrawn.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per
month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment
agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
Annual Percentage Rate
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.
Enrollment Dates Beginning January 1, 2020 thru May 17, 2020
Online GENERAL Terms & Conditions
Citizens’ High School is offering the deferred tuition payment plan listed below:
Monthly Payment
Amount paid per month.
Number of Payments
Maximum number of months payment will be deducted.
36 months*
Total Payments
The amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments
*The amount reflected above is for an incoming 9th grader
*Calculation based on total tuition of $2484 ($69 per month x 36 months)
*Any transfer credits accepted and/or promotions may reduce the amount due
PAYMENT SCHEDULE – One payment per month of $69.00, for no more than 36 months after the date of signing this agreement.
LATE PAYMENTS – CHS does not charge late fees for tuition payments.
EXTENSION – The length of this agreement is for 36 months. If the student requires more time, the student may extend this contract for up to 6 months past the agreement end date, paying $69 per month for each month the student remains enrolled.
TRANSFER CREDITS – You may be eligible to receive up to 13.5 transfer credits for high school courses you have already completed. Tuition and the number of courses may be adjusted upon review of grade transcripts from your previous high school(s). You will be notified in writing of any changes. Acceptance of transfer credits from CHS to another school is determined by the receiving school.
Provisional Conditions of Admission – “Provisional” admission means that your admission with CHS will be official only after you have completed the following requirements within 30 days of enrollment: 1. Complete Orientation course; 2. Complete at least one assignment in each regularly enrolled course; 3. Submit all official high school transcripts, if any (transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school); 4. Submit required identification.
Ø Additional Conditions for Students Attending Schools Outside the U.S. – Transcripts of coursework completed outside of the United States must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the institution in two versions: a) the indigenous language and b) translated to English by the institution. High school coursework includes grade nine. If grade nine was completed in middle school, transcripts from that school must be sent as well.
Ø Your admission to CHS is subject to cancellation if the requirements listed above are not met after 60 days.
Citizens’ High School is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). For further information call 202-234-5100 or visit
Citizens’ High School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools. For further information visit
Citizens’ High School is confident you will be happy with your program. In the unlikely event, you should wish to discontinue, Citizens’ High School will refund your tuition according to the following refund policy which meets the refund policy published by the Distance Education Accreditation Commission. You may request cancellation in any manner, but written request is recommended.
Withdraw… | Owe… |
1-5 Days after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellations is requested within five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment is signed, the school will issue a full refund | 0.00 (100% Refund) |
6 Days or more after enrolling with CHS | |
If enrollment cancellation is requested after five (5) days from midnight of the day on which the enrollment agreement is signed. | Citizens’ is entitled to a registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00, whichever is less, and any administrative fees applied. As part of the Student Protection Plan, Citizens’ will waive the registration fee of 20% of the total tuition or $200.00. The student will not be responsible for any tuition after the date of withdraw. |
- A student enrolled in the high school diploma program has three (3) years from the original date of acceptance to complete his or her program. This contract will cease to be in effect after three years from the original date of acceptance. No requests for refunds after that date.
- Tuition is paid by the student on a month by month basis. During each month the student will be enrolled in two courses and actively participating in the course.
Any questions or problems not satisfactorily answered by the Student Services Department at Citizens’ High School (904-276-1700) should be directed to (a)Office of Independent Education, FL Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399; phone: 800-447-1636; website address: or(b) the Distance Education Accrediting Commission website:; phone: 202-234-5100.
Just as soon as we receive this enrollment agreement and the down payment, we will immediately send out the first course materials and instructions. After enrollment acceptance and the evaluation of official transcripts, if any, from previous high schools the student will be notified in writing of the required coursework he or she must complete for a Citizens’ High School diploma. Student is responsible for transcript request fees. Upon the completion of the Citizens’ High School diploma program, and payment in full of all financial obligations to the school, the student will be awarded an accredited high school diploma. If unable to complete in the three-year time frame, the student may submit a written one-time extension request, see school policies in the CHS Bulletin for complete explanations of rights and duties of the school and student. Citizens’ High School will not release student records, status, or records over the phone in accordance to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The student will be charged every 30 days using our auto payment system and will charge the card that is placed on file by the student. If the system is unable to successfully process the credit card on file, the student’s account will be placed on Blocked status after five (5) days of unsuccessful attempts to charge the card on file. When a student is on Blocked status they will be unable to access their courses, but will have full access to the Student Information System to make a payment, update the credit card on file, and view student academic information. At 60 days after the last successful payment, the system will attempt to charge the card for the normal monthly tuition amount. The system will continue to attempt to charge the card for another five (5) days if unsuccessful after the first attempt. If attempts to charge the card and the school’s outreach to the student have been unsuccessful the student will be administratively withdrawn, and the account balance will be adjusted to $0.
For Academic Purposes: If a student has submitted no assignments for any course(s) for 35 days, the student will be Academically Blocked. If the student, after several attempts to outreach using various methods, has not submitted an assignment for 65 days they will be Administrative Withdrawn.
Student rights and responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities as students at Citizens’ High School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect Citizens’ High School to deliver “a quality high school diploma through distance education with a well-rounded academic foundation, leading to social and economic mobility.” Students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring learning environment. Citizens’ High School is committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct and expects the same from its students as outlined in the below Oath of Academic Integrity. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to school rules. Citizens’ High School is a community of learning that supports the freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.
A leave of absence is a period of time during which a student is not taking part in the required educational program at Citizens’ High School. In most cases, a leave of absence is granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days. Students may request a leave of absence via the Office of Student Services. Upon the initiation of a leave of absence, a designation of Incomplete (I) is awarded to enrolled course(s). The student will be required to complete the course(s) at the time of re-entry. Any student wishing to request an extension to his/her leave must submit a new request form to the Office of Student Services at least 7 days in advance of the original date of return. Students may be required to produce documentation to qualify for an extension of leave. If the extension is not granted the student will have the option to return or withdraw. The student will be permitted to re-enroll at a later time. If the student chooses to withdraw from the program, Incomplete (I) grades will be changed to Withdrawal (W).
Oath of Academic Integrity
I understand that CHS expects all students to maintain a high sense of personal honor and integrity in the completion of all their academic work and that all work submitted for grading be the student’s own. I hereby promise and certify that I will adhere to this commitment to academic honesty.
The information and chart below are provided in compliance with TILA disclosure requirements. The Citizens High School tuition payment plan does not include finance charges or interest. Students pay per
month based on the tuition payment plan listed above.
By signing the terms and conditions of the enrollment
agreement, I acknowledge the receipt of the Truth in Lending Disclosure:
Prepayment may be made in whole or in part at any time without penalty. No prepayment shall be credited as a future payment or affect the obligation to make installments thereafter coming due. Payments will never be called in full prior to the arranged payment schedule above.
This notice contains the terms specific to your approved loan. The borrower has up to 30 calendar days to accept this offer. By signing the enrollment agreement, the signee agrees to the terms of the loans and agrees to follow the repayment schedule.
This disclosure is made 5 business days before the loan is disbursed. The loan will not be disbursed until the 5 business days have elapsed. The borrower may cancel the loan within this 5-day period
Amount Financed
The amount of credit provided to you.
Finance Charge
The dollar amount the credit will cost you.
Annual Percentage Rate
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate.
Total Sale Price
Total Sale Price is the total of your purchase on credit.