Accelerate Recruitment : Quick Diploma Paths

Help your recruits overcome education barriers. Partner with us to fast-track their journey to a high school diploma and military service.

Military Recruiter's Guide to the Citizens High School Diploma Program


Establish the Basic Requirements for Candidates to Enlist:

  • Is the individual between the ages of 17-35 and interested in the military but without a high school diploma?
  • Does the candidate have a GED, is in a GED program, at risk of not graduating high school, or a legal immigrant with international educational credentials?

Frequently Asked Questions

Individuals aged between 17 and 35 who wish to enlist in the U.S. Military but lack a high school diploma. This includes those with GEDs, high school students at risk of not graduating, and legal immigrants with international educational credentials.

Classes start within 24 hours of registration. The duration to earn the diploma varies based on the individual’s previous academic credits and the specific diploma type chosen.

The program is 100% online, allowing recruits to study at their own pace and from any location.

CHS offers three accredited diploma types: Career (18 credits), College (24 credits), and Job Corps (22 credits).

There is no application fee for the program. However, recruits will need to pay for their courses.

Recruiters can use promotional materials, brochures, and videos provided by CHS to introduce the program and its benefits.

While the primary requirement is the lack of a high school diploma, specific prerequisites or evaluations might be part of the application process.

CHS aims to award as many transfer credits as possible from a recruit’s previous academic experience, including high school and work experience.

CHS provides a range of support services, including academic guidance, an ASVAB prep course at no cost, and resources to ensure recruits succeed in their studies.

Recruiters can maintain a log of referred candidates and liaise with CHS representatives for updates on their progress and any challenges faced.

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